
Partnering blog posts

Andrew Boraine to step down as EDP CEO

Author: Ashoek Adhikari, EDP Board Chair


The EDP’s Board Chair announces the stepping down of the EDP’s founding CEO Andrew Boraine in early 2023, with recruitment for a new CEO underway

The EDP recently celebrated its tenth anniversary which gave pause to reflect on our growth and achievements over the last decade. From an early experimental partnering forum set up to improve the Western Cape’s economic performance to a well-respected collaborative intermediary organisation, often working in highly contested and low-trust environments, the EDP has built up extensive experience in supporting multi-stakeholder partnerships around different themes and in different geographies. The EDP exists to improve human, social, economic, physical, and spatial development outcomes and help diverse stakeholders understand and solve complex problems together.

The founding CEO Andrew Boraine together with the staff team, has led the design, establishment, evolution and continued growth of the EDP, making it the organisation it is today – built on trusted relationships with the agility to adapt and rally around moments of crisis, as seen during the EDP’s support to the Western Cape Food Forum during the Covid-19 pandemic.

After ten years of valued service, Andrew will be stepping down as the EDP’s CEO in March 2023. With a career of over 40 years in the development field, Andrew intends to shift from the obligations of day-to-day management towards dedicating more time to research, training and mentoring around collaborative leadership and system change processes.  

Given the significance of this announcement, the Board has spent the past year preparing detailed succession plans to ensure that Andrew’s legacy remains embedded within our foundations, while ensuring continuity and growth of the EDP into the next decade. The search for a new CEO has now commenced, with the announcement of the new CEO expected by the end of 2022 followed by a comprehensive handover period in early 2023.

The right candidate for the EDP’s next CEO will be a servant leader with a consummate understanding of systems change and the ability to build relationships that embrace difference and build unity, while charting our next decade and leading the organisation. 

South Africa faces enormous challenges, with widening gaps between state and society, and we believe that the EDP’s services as an impartial intermediator and partnership-builder will be more needed than ever. We look forward to communicating on the EDP’s new directions and leadership with you over the coming months.

Ashoek Adhikari, EDP Board Chair