Key development systems

The EDP works to achieve a better quality of life for all through sustainable development. Our team enhances the capabilities of civil society and government to engage in collaborative and adaptive governance within specific key development systems. These key systems -reflected in the EDP’s programmes - abound in opportunities to partner and have a high payoff of collaboration.

Energy & Climate

Partnering for energy security, sustainability and equity

Water Resilience

Building water resilience to strengthen water security

Infrastructure & Mobility

Collaboration for inclusive infrastructure delivery

Local Economic Development

Partnering for inclusive economic growth and employment


Enhancing safety boosts economic growth and promotes community well-being.


Local Economic Development

Partnering for inclusive economic growth and employment

South Africa’s economic challenges cannot be solved by one sector alone, and creating economic opportunities relies on many factors. The EDP influences key systems that contribute to a thriving economy and job creation. This includes coordinating partnerships across the three spheres of government to drive skills development, social employment, support SMMEs, and enhance capacity in informal economies.

Projects in this programme:
Promoting sustainable development in the Garden Route

The Garden Route Development Partnership (GRDP), facilitated by the EDP, brings together local municipalities, government and the private sector in the Garden Route District for the collaborative implementation of the Garden Route Growth and Development Strategy and associated Recovery Plan. The EDP provides backbone support for the GRDP and capacitates partners towards effective collaboration for a resilient, sustainable economy. 

Partnering for Adam Tas Corridor development

The 400-hectare Adam Tas Corridor – also known as the Stellenbosch Corridor –has the potential to integrate much-needed affordable housing, public space, schools and non-motorised transport along a major transport spine. The EDP is convening a partnering process with Stellenbosch Municipality, multiple landowners and other stakeholders to develop a governance framework and partnering arrangements to support the implementation of this corridor. 

Towns Action Network for small town regeneration

South African towns and their surrounding regions face many unique challenges. The Towns Action Network is an action-inspired national learning and support network that connects changemakers to foster local partnerships across sectors to activate the potential and support the regeneration of small and mediumsized towns. The network is funded by Embassy of Finland’s Fund for Local Cooperation. The EDP works closely with several partners, including Ranyaka, Kagiso Trust, Restaurare/ Citeplan, Karoo Development Foundation, Accountability Lab SA, Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI),South African Local Government Association (SALGA). 


Futurecasting is a strategic approach to envisioning the next 10-15 years that leverages expert insights, data, and analysis to model possible futures. The aim is to help individuals, businesses, and governments navigate uncertainty and build resilience. This online series builds on the successful Futurecasting Cape Town webinar series. Policy makers and government officials, business leaders and entrepreneurs, researchers, development practitioners, and students are invited to this opportunity to contribute to forward-thinking strategies for South Africa’s interconnected future. 

Partnering Platform - a community of collaborative practice

The Partnering Platform is a community of practice and dynamic tool hub dedicated to fostering knowledge sharing, building learning networks and promoting action-based partnering. Our focus is on individuals and organisations keen to forge partnerships and collaborations within the public sector. The Partnering Platform cultivates an environment that nurtures shared objectives, facilitates meaningful connections, provides a space for robust collaboration, and strives to be a beacon of collaboration.

Partnering across Cape Town industry for inclusive economic growth

The City of Cape Town’s cross-sectoral Growth Coalitions enable partnerships between the City and private sector across different industries. The EDP convenes the Food and Beverage Sector Growth Coalition Platform as the initial pilot. This coalition promotes structured engagements with the food and beverage industry to promote skills development, job creation and sector development. An additional coalition will be the Partnering for Ease of Doing Business, which will focus on building on the partnering capacity already existing within the City of Cape Town to make it easier for the private sector to work with the City of Cape Town.  

Social Employment Network - learning and support network for the Social Employment Fund

South Africa’s Social Employment Fund was launched in 2021 under the Presidential Employment Stimulus and is administered by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). This fund creates ‘work for the common good’ by optimising partnerships between larger civil society organisations and informal grassroots networks. With the IDC and DG Murray Trust, the EDP convenes the Social Employment Network, a learning and support network that supports the fund’s implementing partners by sharing information, documenting learnings and addressing challenges. This network also shares learnings with government to improve the management of the fund and future fund iterations.   

Working together for collective impact. The EDP team specialises  in engaging stakeholders affected by a variety of local economic development issues. Credit: EDP. 

Tools of the trade: the EDP uses various tools to unlock action items for collective impact. Credit: EDP.  

Stakeholders engage as part of the Three Learning Journeys food system mapping project. Credit: EDP.  

The Towns Action Network supported the hosting of the Changemakers Festival in Genadendal. Credit: Barry Christensen.  

Alderman Vos speaks at a meeting convened for the Food and Beverage Growth Coalition, which aims to unlock investment potential within the City of Cape Town. Credit:  

Changemakers committed to the rejuvenation of small towns in South Africa celebrate their potential at the Changemakers Festival in Genadendal. Credit: Barry Christensen.  

Innovative solutions to shared problems, the EDP is supporting the exploration of how the work of SMMEs can be integrated into Urban Waste Management at a local level. Credit: EDP.  

Alderman Vos speaks at a meeting convened for the Food and Beverage Growth Coalition, which aims to unlock investment potential within the City of Cape Town. Credit:

The Social Employment Network provides learning and support opportunities to Strategic Implementing Partners of the Social Employment Fund. Credit: EDP. 

The Strategic Implementing Partners are united by their collective objective of ‘working for the common good’: creating sustainable opportunities for youth employment in South Africa. Credit: EDP. 

Projects in this programme:
Food learning journeys in the Western Cape

The EDP supports the Western Cape Government’s ‘Nourish To Flourish’ programme by convening food learning journeys across the Western Cape. In collaboration with the Department of Science and Innovation-National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence in Food Security (CoE-FS) and the Southern Africa Food Lab, these food learning journeys reveal challenges and opportunities within local food systems

Partnering for integrated waste and wellbeing economies

Like many global cities, Cape Town grapples with high volumes of waste and limited landfill capacity. Building on the findings of the EDP’s partnering support to the City’s Coastal Park landfill site, the EDP is developing a city-wide strategy and programme for the City of Cape Town to integrate SMMEs into the formal waste economy, while enhancing collaboration within the City’s Urban Waste Management Directorate.