
The EDP Partnering Framework

The EDP Partnering Framework is at the core of the EDP’s approach to partnering, based on the EDP’s years of partnering practice.

It defines six stages in the partnering process:

  • Analysing the system
  • Identifying partners and stakeholders
  • Engaging the stakeholders
  • Enabling partners
  • Prioritising interventions
  • Reflecting, learning and adapting.

The EDP Partnering Framework contains core principles developed by EDP that underpin each stage, along with tasks and tools to help achieve desired outcomes along the process.

About the EDP Partnering Framework

The EDP Partnering Framework was defined in 2018,  based on years of partnering experience with the Western Cape Government, the City of Cape Town and various local municipalities, along with a range of organisations and individuals which play a role in the Western Cape economy. The Framework was developed into a handbook for the City of Cape Town’s Urban Sustainability Summit in March 2019, and translated into a full instruction manual which forms the basis of the EDP’s work with clients and partners.

The EDP Partnering Framework is used in a number of ways: to introduce the EDP approach to partnering, as a summary of the useful tools for the partnering process and as a manual on how to train on partnering and inform practice using the EDP partnering approach.