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Connect, communicate, collaborate: How to mitigate a food crisis

The Western Cape Food Forum featured in the 2021 Trialogue Business in Society Handbook. 

Collaboration has been a key theme emerging in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Western Cape Food Forum – formerly known as the Western Cape NGO-Government Food Relief Forum – is an example of multistakeholder cooperation on a large scale.

The Forum’s collaborative approach to addressing both food security and food relief have been recognised in the 2021 Trialogue Business in Society Handbook, launched 25 November. As convener of the Forum, the Western Cape Economic Development Partnership (EDP) and others contributed an in-depth case study which appears on pages 236-239, which includes evolving areas of focus for the Food Forum.

The Trialogue handbook is the leading responsible business publication in South Africa that provides the business sector with data and thought leadership on development, with an aim towards promoting corporate social investment.

The 2021 Trialogue Buiness in Society Handbook is available here.

The Western Cape Food Forum case study: ‘Connect, communicate, collaborate: how to mitigate a food crisis’ is available here