Stepping into action while embracing and adapting to uncertainty lies at the heart of the practice of adaptive governance. The EDP brings a multidisciplinary approach to designing and implementing adaptive governance frameworks within government and across sectors. This includes an emphasis on systems thinking, embedding collaborative behaviours and promoting adaptive learning practices that drive continual innovation.
City of Cape Town guidelines for Partnership Organisations
The City of Cape Town has a long history of working with Partnership Organisations, with valuable urban regeneration and economic development gains made by the Greater Tygerberg Partnership, Hout Bay Partnership and the former Cape Town Partnership, among others.
In 2022, the EDP supported the City to capture this valuable institutional knowledge in a framework that outlines the City’s approach to Partnership Organisations in relation to partnership entities. The methodology is being piloted in Strand before wider rollout in the City.
Stakeholder Engagement for City of Cape Town’s Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate
The City of Cape Town has an extensive history of working with relevant stakeholders to further its Integrated Development Plan mandate and objectives. The City’s Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate aims to reinforce a systematic, coherent and constructive approach to engaging with its stakeholder network to support long-term, sustainable growth. The EDP is assisting in the development of a Stakeholder Engagement Framework and updated City of Cape Town Partnering Toolkit to support the Spatial Planning and Environment Directorate and other City Directorates in their stakeholder relations.
Partnering processes for the Stellenbosch Corridor development
The Stellenbosch Corridor – also known as the Adam Tas Corridor – which comprises around 400 hectares along two intersecting transport routes near Stellenbosch has the potential to integrate much-needed affordable housing, public space, schools and non-motorised transport along a major transport spine yet is currently underutilised. The EDP is convening a partnering process on request from the Western Cape Government and Stellenbosch Municipality to develop a governance framework and promote partnering arrangements to support the implementation of the corridor.