Nobungcwele Mbem
Nobungcwele is a Project Lead at the EDP with a focus on Spatial Transformation. Her projects include the EDP Partnering Platform which enables knowledge sharing of methodologies and toolkits to promote partnering and collaboration.
Nobungcwele previously worked at the Nelson Mandela University International Office for the African Engagements and Partnerships Programme aimed at expanding the continental footprint of the university. As Project Lead, she coordinated engagements for executive management to promote partnerships and collaborations with universities across Africa.
She holds a Masters degree in Social Science in History (University of Pretoria) where her research focused on railways and modernity and is currently completing her doctorate in economic and social history (Stellenbosch University) with an affiliation with LEAP Stellenbosch. Her research focus is on the migration of black Africans from the Eastern Cape to Cape Town at the turn of the 20th century.
Nobungcwele can be contacted at, or on
+27 (0) 21 832 0200